Megaupload Bust has Thieves Running Scared

Blocked in U.S.

It seems that the Megaupload bust has cyberlocker pirates running scared.  Today, I found an illegal download link for a popular indie film online.

When I loaded the download link URL in my browser to check whether the download link was still active (on cyberlocker site “”) I was surprised to find that the cyberlocker site’s owners had  chosen to block users  in the United States from accessing the site.


This wasn’t true a week ago.  Now, post-Megaupload, this is what Americans will see.

The download link has been blocked in the United States.

Of course, most tech savvy folks know that’s not much of an obstacle.  I loaded the URL into an anonymous proxy server and the infringing/illegal download link was there for the rest of the world to see (and download).

Illegal links alive and well outside of the United States.

If this site had nothing to hide, why is it essentially hiding?  The answer is simple, it, like dozens of other cyberlocker sites, depends on piracy (content theft) to make money.  With the smack down of Megaupload these thieves are running scared and doing their best to hide.  Their black market business model is in jeopardy. It’s nice to see these criminals running scared.

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